1. When someone is so upset that they rant and rave like a transient storm of lightning and thunder.

2. A sudden violent outburst of displeasure.
Lisa: What's wrong with Tom?

Carl: I don't know. Every time something goes wrong that douche breaks out a personal thunderstorm.
by Lele99 April 21, 2009
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Like a storm from Tooele,east of salt lake, in which gas is passed in the midst of a blow job.
I Tooele Thunderstormed that bitch last night before she bit my shit!
by smoove F May 22, 2010
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A "dirty thunderstorm" is a type of sexual act in which someone sharts after having had their asshole jizzed in - preferably onto their partner's face.
"Man, things got crazy last night between Beth and me...she had a dirty thunderstorm after I came in her butt."
by MrHegemony September 3, 2008
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this move is performed by a male as you stand over your partner while they are laying on their back. you attempt to finish yourself by giving them a facial, however, before you ejaculate you drop a massive lunker on them which resembles the thunder cloud. simultaneously or immediately after serving them your loaf, you ejaculate on them. the quick jolts of white semen shooting out of your spam javelin at their face, resembles the lightning.

this is more effective if you drink alot of guinness the night before, being that excessive amounts of guinness turns your shit black, like a real thunder cloud.

kyle- "dude, bro! yesterday, the sharks lost so to feel better about it, i unleashed a major kentucky thunderstorm on courtney!"

aaron- "dude, fuck yeah bro!"
by PARTY! November 30, 2007
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Farting in someone's face (thunder), biting them in the neck (lightning striking), then peeing on the wound and their face (the torrential rain).
Transylvanian Thunderstorm

"Oh my goodness!!! She said there was a Transylvanian Thunderstrom out at their ranch last night."

---"Wow!!! I'd pity her if I didn't know she fed off that kind of degredation! I wish my wife was like her!"

--------"Thunderstorm? That's funny, not a speck of rain here... arent they just down the road???
by streamofthoughts April 16, 2011
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One mighty storm that causes euphoria.
by bitchdipshit February 20, 2021
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a series of loud flatulations (farts) that smell really bad
Tom: *farts*
Ron: Dude that was loud...and reeks!
Tom: *farts*
Ron: You need to stop, thats nasty!
Tom: Sorry man, i had beans for lunch. *farts*
Ron: I didn't know a rotten thunderstorm was in the forecast.
by 2much2do March 14, 2008
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