1) an extremely posh way of saying good-bye. As in ttfn

2) a woman's breast
1) Bob: see you later
Angelique: Ta-ta!

2) Dat bitch got some huge ta-tas!

by toolg June 9, 2003
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jugulars, boobies, torpeedos
From her mother, Jude inherited quite a set of ta tas.
by f'rang-tang March 14, 2005
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Also known as Tits or Titties.
They're probably the one thing you will never see in person, unless watching porn. ( YOU PERV! )
PERV: "I like your TA TA's"
Girl / Drag: " Don't touch what you can't afford"
by FUAqua_Nova;) March 16, 2020
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A word Used to say good bye;Mostly used by the rich or the corny
"Ta ta Mother." Christy yelled as she drove off.
by Kizzy2o05 June 26, 2005
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