Someone who acts like an idiot or acts very annoying. Someone who reacts at the smallest of movements.

See the spaz test.
Ian: Matt you're such a spaz! *points at Matt*
Matt: *smacks away Ian's finger as a reflex* AAH! Don't poke me!
by Imaeetufacof April 22, 2007
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A hyperactive person that acts in a strange way. Usually either rambling or completely quiet, clumsy, and seemingly illiterate or insane. A spaz is probably an awkward or socially unacceptable. ( usually an insult )
"God Janice, quit pacing, you look like a spaz!"

"I spilled the drink on him like a total spaz! I ruined the date, Becky."

"No one really talks to her, she's a spaz, you can't take her anywhere."
by Thatsmylydia May 31, 2015
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short for spastic - derogatory term attributed to a person who has trouble controlling his or her limbs, a clumsy bugger
I don't want to go jogging thanks, I'd rather not look like a spazzy baboon
by my May 12, 2003
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Me: that kid over there is a spaz (finds out he was gased by the nazis)
by Meow1273 February 21, 2019
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The meaning of this word differs depending on which country you're in.
If you're in the USA, it's used to describe clumsy people. However, if you're in the UK, it's a slur towards disabled people (particularly ones with cerebral palsy). So, be careful and take note, that if you're American, to not use that word around Brits.
A kid shouts out in a class: "LOL! Tim is such a spaz!"
"Thank you for that John. Now, can I continue with my lesson?"
The british kid shouts out in a class: "LOL! Tim is such a spaz!" (gets b-slapped by a teacher)
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A person who is terrible at sports due to their complete lack of coordination and inability to grasp any concept even when demonstrated repeatedly to them.
Barack Obama scored a 37 in bowling. What a spaz!
by Lance Gauntlet May 24, 2010
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Man1: that kid is such a spaz
Man2: that kid was gased by the nazis, hes vaccinated and his dad went to go get milk
Man1: oh
by Meow1273 February 21, 2019
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