There was a shitstorm all because of a brony.
by Kenton Makings November 1, 2018
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A game mostly played by college kids, this is a game where one person must answer a question correctly if not everyone must drop small turd into the persons mouth, 5 players max
by MonsterDice January 6, 2017
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Can mean a variety of things, like a long string of VERY unfortunate or horrible events in a short time, but mainly used on internet forums to describe threads full of flaming, raging, trolling, etc all in one. Generally about religion vs atheism, ponies vs anti-pones, furries vs anti-furries, etc.
*reads thread about ponies*
nope shitstorm. ABANDON THREAD!
by CJNinja October 19, 2012
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When you throw shit at a really fast fan making it fly everywhere.
by Lukasz Cbass October 12, 2010
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A terrible mess that is created when something is inundated with a large amount of worthless crap.
by girlygirly6334 September 11, 2013
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When a large flock of birds, flying overhead, all simultaneously release their bowels, spilling their shit all over you in a rain-like pattern.
Guy 1: Oh my god! Those bird just shit all over us!
Guy 2: Yes, it was a real shitstorm, I'll tell you!
Guy 1: Good thing I had my umbrella. The shit fell like rain.
Guy 2: Lucky you.
by Chiisu The Echihog May 21, 2006
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A kickass song by Strapping Young Lad. Very awesome to headbang to. A shitstorm is also precipitation of no other thing than shit. which would seriously suck for 2 reasons... cleanup, and the stench
person1: hey what's that smell??
person2: oh shit, the sky's gonna be shitting again! get the ponchos and gasmasks! We've got a shitstorm coming
by Metalhead of the Damned July 20, 2006
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