When you light your old friend on fire at home depot
"We saw someone pulling Roasty Jeremiah last night!"
by DEMONPANDACATTHING January 15, 2021
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similar to boom roasted but you have to hold the "y" at the end to make the other person annoyed.
person- MMMM, what smells so good?
person 2- apperently not you
by nobody.1 March 18, 2017
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a word not invented and/or trademarked by callum. (also means warm weather or another word for croquets which are too hot)
1. these croquets are roasty toasty
2. wow it’s roast toasty outside
3. callum you did not create roasty toasty
by roasty toasty August 10, 2019
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When a roast potato is stuffed up someones ass and then left there for more than 4 hours. Some like to use butter as lubricant, or even jam.
Hey Janet! Wanna try a roastie toastie? I hear they're delicious!
by thatraddudelad January 28, 2017
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When you so fucking baked (high) that you feel like you have unlocked a key to a new universe.
Dude you missed the party last night

Friend- how was it

We all got roasty toasty bruh
by Hīrhkdßæ August 25, 2019
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The state of being extremely fucking stoned. Can be lengthened to "roasty-choasty pack 'em up and posty".
"I am roasty-choasty to the bone, dude."

"Let's smoke this ozzie, get all roasty-choasty."
by laeiryn June 23, 2006
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When ya get a bird to give your cheesy dick a tit wank on a sweet summer's day!
I stepped away from the family BBQ to get a roastie-toastie from our Margaret.
by Big Ball-z June 28, 2019
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