Irritance is a word describing something that is irritating to you
That guy is such an irritance for me
by Swede1678 May 9, 2016
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Someone who in their free time texts other people useless information that is not wanted or needed.
Someone who day drinks and uses other mood enhancing chemicals and then proceeds to text people who were otherwise having a great day with their family. That person is a total irritant, a disease if you will.
by Momo1010 November 16, 2013
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People who make posts on messageboards that only consist of a hyperlink and/or smiley.
Luce is irritating.
by London Grunge Scene January 6, 2004
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Just about the funniest comic strip in existence, starring Chappy Chappy, the world's funniest homicidal RPG character.

Here be the address of episode #1.
Robot(He's not a robot, that's just his name): Wow, a sandwich! It's mine now!
Robot: Wait a minute. This isn't right. If Exoth left it unattended, then he must want me to eat it. It must have some kind of experimental poison.
(Enter Exoth, Evil Genius)
Exoth: Wow, a sandwich! (Begins eating sandwich) Iff mine now.
by SamThatBlokeInBognor May 19, 2005
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a jack ass, stupied son of a bitch like your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend!
my ex-boyfriend is irrtated!
by chris April 29, 2003
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the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or slightly angry
P1: he was such a irritation pretending to care.
P2: you don't care either!

P1 : oh ya forgot LOL
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 10, 2019
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