to do something really obvious and cliche.

see minimosher
"I got these new stripy socks..."
"...Don't do a groovy!"
by Bobby Gillespie January 6, 2004
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The characteristic of anything Norrish says, does or even thinks.
"You mean that photo of me ISN'T pasted all over the porn site afterall?"

by irish norrish December 4, 2003
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Once meaning "cool," "hip," or "awesome," it now means any person (but more commonly, a woman) that is DTF (or "Down To Fuck")
Bob: "Hey man, this chick i'm seeing tonight is groovy."
Dave: "She's what?"
Bob: "Groovy; she's down to fuck."
Dave: "Ohh, gotcha."
by joshSLC January 11, 2010
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It is no longer groovy to use to word groovy
by Dave September 20, 2003
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Verb: To to sway your hips and point your finger in a disco like motion

adjective: To be "cool"
" Hey lets groove"

*disco music*
*disco ball*
" Those are some groovy moves!"
by riteous March 9, 2010
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A word trying to be brought back by a Scottish youtuber Liam Dryden, more popularly known as littleradge.

The word itself means "cool" "awesome" "great" etc.. It was used most during the hippie movement in the 1960s and early 70s.
Friend 1: Did you see that new episode of Doctor Who?

Friend 2: Yeah, it was pretty groovy.

as a negative

Friend 1: Did you read Twilight?

Friend 2: Yeah, it was not groovy. Not groovy at all.
by nerdfighter767 August 3, 2011
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A groovy word that rolls groovilly off your groovy tongue.
by ThEek October 28, 2011
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