(n) a term used for females who perform blow jobs in reference to the "carrot scene" from the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
Fernando: What qualities do you look for in a potential girlfriemd?
Gabe: I like girls who eat carrots...
by Scatterbrainiac March 28, 2021
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Satanists who suffer from raynauds and are brunette
“Have you seen her over there ...”
“Who ?”
“The girl that writes conclusions...”
“Oh no not the satanist that suffers from raynaurds and is brunette

“God I hate girls who write conclusions”
by ChickenLeg23 February 12, 2021
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An idiom illustrating young ladies who "hop" from shallow relationship to shallow relationship with well off men, primarily for gifts, especially jewelery (carats, karats).
Mortimer: I saw Winthrop and Billy Rae at the club with Bunny and Muffy last night.

Randolph: Oh no! We must cock block that, they're girls who eat carrots.
by Roaring Dan June 17, 2021
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a sentence said by one and only louis tomlinson referring to girls who like blowjobs. why he said girls? we don’t know! (we actually do, it’s called closeting) but what we know for sure is that man is gay as fuck.
Louis: i like girls who eat carrots

the whole fucking world: girls? you sure?
by killmymind28 June 17, 2021
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This is a Scratch Studio where people would post "rants", and even known for liking over The Owl House. This studio is made out of mostly sensitive Scratchers, who are girls. They are also known for being toxic sometimes when people don't agree to their opinions. Some people post something fairly short, mostly out of context. People there are obsessed with posting their situation in real life, like to admit that they are crying.
He said that the Girls Who Don't Fit In is overrated.
by TheLoverOfConservation January 26, 2023
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1. another word for hypocrite
2. any girl in any relatioship.
3. your sister, mother, grandmother, girlfriend, wife, greatgrandmother. they are all the same
4 typical worse when there hole is bleeding, one would think the blood is coming directly out of there brain
5 another word for cunt

a. it was your fault i sucked his dick.

b. huh????? your a girl who cant be wrong

a. you had to work and i was lonely

b. huh????? wtf.

by jolychaly October 17, 2006