The final evidence that the USA is a fucked up country full of fucked up, mindless patriots.
I thought this was a joke.. Unfortunately, it turns out that it's not.
by IkeM October 20, 2003
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1. A phrase made up by George W. Bush and his cronies to eradicate any mention of the nation of France from the US.
2. Part of the radical attempt to segregate the French from the world.
3. An idiotic expression
If Congress is stupid enough to turn French Fries into Freedom Fries, it is stupid enough to make these transformations:

Turkey -> Independence Bird
Peking Duck -> Democracy Duck
Guinea Pig -> Freedom Pig
Hamburgers -> Liberty Meat
World -> America
Inspections -> War
Statesmanship -> War
Diplomacy -> War
Peace -> War
by Not Proud to be an American April 24, 2003
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What French Fries were called in restaurants and snack bars run by the House of Representatives from 2003 to 2006, because France claimed that Iraq did not have WMD's.
I guess we will have to give up saying Freedom Fries because the French were right about no WMD's.
by quesondriac June 29, 2010
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Part of Americas plan to try and alienate themselves from other far better countries until all the world hates them. Once America is alone they will then proceed to nuke the vrap out of any country that dares to oppose them, Anyway looks like the joke is on the Americans, because the great symbol of Americanism that is the statue of liberty is French HAHAAHAHAHAHA FOOLS!!
by Meady October 25, 2003
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a term for french fries invented by the RepublicaNazi party in '03 as a dig on the French for not supporting us in the Iraqi war
-I'll have 3 orders of french fries.
-We don't carry those here. Do you mean freedom fries?
-You know exactly what the fuck I mean.
by GuidoPosse69 February 6, 2005
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A sad attempt to "stick it to the french" because they refused to support an unjust and illegal war on Iraq.
by Anonymous April 19, 2003
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Dick:Hey Dubbya, let's go get some pretzels
George: No DICK, you know I'm too dumb to eat a pretzel... how about some FREEDOM FRIES
by davey havok May 17, 2003
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