a term for french fries invented by the RepublicaNazi party in '03 as a dig on the French for not supporting us in the Iraqi war
-I'll have 3 orders of french fries.
-We don't carry those here. Do you mean freedom fries?
-You know exactly what the fuck I mean.
by GuidoPosse69 February 6, 2005
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A sad attempt to "stick it to the french" because they refused to support an unjust and illegal war on Iraq.
by Anonymous April 19, 2003
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Dick:Hey Dubbya, let's go get some pretzels
George: No DICK, you know I'm too dumb to eat a pretzel... how about some FREEDOM FRIES
by davey havok May 17, 2003
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oh, politics dont even enter into it. this is the most ridiculous and weak political maneuver ever.
A half-hearted attempt for politicians to show "patriotism" without actually taking any position or action.
And french fries were named after a Mr. French, who invented them. ..or maybe that's french toast. whatever.
Next time I go to a restaurant, i'm gonna order some french fries, french toast, a salad with french dressing, and a croissant.
by Bob Smithly April 20, 2003
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A large sculpture on Staten Island that Americans will surely erect to reflect their true hatred of the principles of a free society.
Mommy, what does the "Freedom" in "Freedom Fries" mean?
by jon January 18, 2004
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Freedom Fries. Rectangular cuts of potato fried in hot vegetable fat and laden with calories and grease. Formerly French Fries, until a gung-ho warmongering US president, specifically George W. Bush, decreed otherwise in possible the most petty "patriotic" move possible. However, this appears to have the wrong effect - The French find the idea of "les frites de la liberté" extremely amusing. Quite frankly I can't say I blame them.

Ah well, I suppose it sums up the calibre of Bush and all those who support him. Idiots.
"It's been another stellar night for KHD. First I went out to MacDonalds and ate some Freedom Fries (chips), then I met up with my girl friend, gave her a Freedom Kiss (tongue kiss). We were making out quite a lot, and we probably would have ended up in bed if I'd remembered to pack a Freedom Letter (condom). Cos without such an item one risks the Freedom Pox (syphilis). So we just went to bed separately. When we woke up, I made her dome Freedom Toast (tartines) and brought her breakfast in bed."
by KHD June 8, 2003
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An idiotic attempt to show derision to a country that saved America's ass more than their own, but just happens to not agree with its current dipshit ruler that HOPEFULLY won't be as successful as the transformation of German Toast into French Toast. Fucking morons, always ordering French Toast just because some Nazi's tried to conquer the world.
I'd like some GERMAN toast with my FRENCH fries, thank you, sir.
by EjoThims May 18, 2004
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