After a long day of drinking, when one is feeling on the edge of starvation, you are on a search for something quick and easy to eat.
"On the way home, what would you like to eat"
"I would like to have a non-descript burger, now."
by Gum Face April 27, 2009
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A psychological method that seeks to reveal experience directly preceding a beep. Very accurate and probably the best phenomenological method.
I did some descriptive experience sampling with my Grindr date last night, it was hot.
by julibooli August 10, 2020
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Man - woman make me a sandwitch
woman - ok


Woman (bible description)
by AlExSwOrD August 22, 2011
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A description of a political ideology which is accurate and possibly offensive. People often don't like accurate descriptions because it's not what their favorite author made up.
Damn I hate those leftist nazis and marxist democrats! I totally have an accurate description of their ideologies in my mind! don't you see they are both the exact same? (Despite the fact that they both want to blow each other up and one supports private property and the other doesn't) an accurate description of an ideology is whatever my favorite author wants it to be!
by Theideologyswitcher August 8, 2021
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Syndrome Is used to describe something that is not working or is just generally Shiite.
In a sentence, syndrome (descriptive)
you're such a syndrome
Ur relationship is a syndrome

Craig is being syndrome
That food tastes like absolute syndrome
by Goonicus the unwavering October 11, 2019
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When trying to define the aspects and functioning of the gravponics system it gets denied, blocked, and unpublished on
Even though i am clearly describing it in a clear manner and referencing other gravponics related articles, the information that i am trying to describe just wont get published. It is a real thing that is getting blocked no matter how i am describing it. I see alot of words on here that are fabricated and they get approved. To deny even this definition is to say its not happening is the essence of the gravponics description block.
by doublestandarddems April 19, 2013
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Person 1: "Howdy-do, another beautiful day!
Urban Dictionary Creator: "Take em' away boys. He knows too much.
A random stranger: THINK ABOUT IT PERSON 1! Do you remember what you ate yesterday? Who is your mom? Why is your name "Person 1"? CAN YOU EVEN SEE ME RIGHT NOW?! You have to help me! help us esca-"
Urban dictionary creator: You don't believe anything he said down there, do ya?
Person 1: um... uh... nope!
Urban dictionary creator: good.
Person 1: "Wait. What's gonna happen now? am I going to die? Am I going to be erased from the universe forever? NO PLEASE! HELP ME ! HELP-

Dear urban dictionary editors: Please let this story of People in an Urban Dictionary description through. I spent 30 mins on it. By the way, your hair is looking very nice today! And that outfit too! very niiiiiiice!
by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 23, 2022
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