1. an insulting, little amount of money
The bar wanted our band to play 3 hours for chicken scratch. We turned it down.
by sbs1890 November 2, 2021
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your handwritting is so bad it looks like a chicken could have wrote the same thing....or maybe even better. you are the only one who can decifer your writtin.
yo man that handwritting looks like chicken scratch..hahahahahaha!
by eirbear2204 June 22, 2003
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To flinch, or twitch uncontrolably falling to sleep, or while semi-concious.
"That crack head is fuckin chicken scratchin!"

"Spoky is fuckin chicken scratchin!"
by Leon "rinse burger" May 13, 2004
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My freind makes chicken scratch in his bathtub
by UFO! January 24, 2004
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the gentle abrasions on the side of one's cock, left behind by a girl that uses too much teeth...
"damn that cum guzzler left chicken scratches on my cock"
by Shaved Dave June 18, 2003
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