a (nick)name a female (or a male) gives themself when they want to show off their social value over the media. The type of person to think it's cute but in reality their heads are far up their ass. Conceited or faceass works too.
See that girl J? She's nothing more than one of those annoying ass babbies
by chalibanium June 26, 2018
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This weed is babby.
by mfgsignal December 23, 2003
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a term of endearment directed at a person of whom you are in a complicated relationship with.
hey babby... you wanna go get "complicatedly" wasted with me tonight?
by Lamalf October 17, 2007
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Referring to an extremely attractive female.
Hey Marcio, look at that babby over there!

Damn!, that bitch is babby!
by THE GENERAL May 13, 2004
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a term of endearment, much like the word baby, but has much less stress on the vowel, and is more relaxing to roll off the tongue, thus making it a representative noun of relaxed lovin
me: hey babby... lookin pretty fine today

girl: i knowwws it, lovee youuuu babby
by italianLovinBeTheBestKind October 16, 2007
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a kebab shop or other related fast food outlet that sells kebabs, pizzas, burgers etc
e.g im mullered. lets go down the babby for a doner before we go home
by chunderpants July 28, 2007
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