Also used for bogans from west Auckland, New Zealand
Black jeans, the westie uniform.
by Squidling January 7, 2004
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A westie is someone who live in the outer Western suburbs of Sydney. They are very similar to eshays and bogans.
Did you see that westie on the bus, what an eshay lad.
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someone who lives in the western suburbs, i.e. generally the poorer side of town. Whilst not all residents are (un)worthy of the term westy, simplying living in a suburb with the word west justifies it. Westies are usually angry people with pale ,crappy skin, a testament to the amount of junkfood and soft drink they usually consume. Westies love to wear brands such as wu-tang, DaDA and the eminem show as well as ride bikes with plastic bags attached holding beer cans. They almost always smoke(cigarettes or pot) and they love R&B and usually end up trying to be "sik" like nelly and others by adding such words to their incredibly stunted vocabulary as "dawg", they also swear alot and despite having as much intelligence as a genetically modified carrot they actually are quite original in how many ways they can say fuck(fuckem, fuckest etc...). It is rare at all if westies actually complete high school as most can barely think coherently, let alone actually do simple maths or keep to a schedule.
a person wearing dada, crappy scragly beard who smokes alot.. sorta self explanatory
by benny123 July 8, 2005
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Now extinct New York City Westside Irish Mob, famous in the 70s-80s for their extreme violence. They controlled the Hells Kitchen area of midtown Manhattan, and the construction unions. They killed more people, more violently, than any other organized crime group in New York City in their time. Heads, hands, genitals and other pieces of dispatched enemies were kept as trophies at the Westies hangout, the Sunbrite Bar on 10th. Most surviving members of the gang are serving long prison sentences. Hell's Kitchen is now a Yuppie neighborhood
The 1990s movie "State of Grace" is based on the Westies.

Even the Mafia was afraid of the Westies. They considered them violent, unpredictible, "crazy m*therf*ckers" that couldn't be reasoned with.
by gingernyc August 29, 2007
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Anyone from a suburb in Sydney found to the West of the spit bridge.
The Sydney Suburb of 'Strathfield'.
by PM March 24, 2005
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a word that arrogant, snobby, north shore and eastern suburbs pricks call anyone from the heart of suburban Sydney. They forget that upper class Strathfield is located in the western suburbs.
don't go to Bondi Beach, its full of westies
by Westie August 21, 2003
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Someone who is secretly polish.
A person who dresses like a chav, thinks hes black, has no friends and gets sexually excited about pressing refresh
person: so what were you doiing last night?
westie: i spent all night on colony wars arse raping people!
by sjones February 5, 2008
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