Past tense of shit
Shitted is not a word
Shit can also be used as a past tense word

Often happens when scared

Can be used to say someone was severely repremanded.

After I got off of the roller coaster, I realized that I shat myself.

When the bear roared, I immediately shat in my pants.

When he said "Fuck" in class, the teacher shat all over him.
by Jack Cisco July 14, 2006
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I asked him to shit in the toilet, but instead he shat on the floor.
by Cummy worm July 28, 2011
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The past tense of shit or "to shit".
"Yo Bill, lemme use your bathroom, I have to Shit." *a few minutes later* "Oh jeez, I'm sorry man, I just Shat... and it was huge."
by Dump P. Crapper April 22, 2009
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1) Talk shit about

2) Talk crap about
3) Be dog about
Person 1: I love apples!
Person 2: I hate apples lol they suck they are the worst fruit ever
Person 1: Wow, you just shat on my favourite fruit
by welcometonewyork November 2, 2014
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Person 1: "Last night I shat at my girlfriend's house."
Person 2: "Nice!!! How big was it?!"
Person 1: "Bigger than the average poop, it hurt a little, but not quite as much as being sanduskitized
by pickywick21 November 20, 2011
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I think I just sharted..... oop wait it was a shat
by yoyungsu123 February 4, 2022
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