A absolute retard, who frequently consumes asparagus and bleach. You might ask why he does this, it is because he thinks that it will grant him the power to shit ice cream.
Oh boy, that guy sure looks like a Silas”
by Magnetic Apple November 24, 2021
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Silas is a mixed person with a lot of siblings usually , he has curly hair , and is often mistaken for a monkey, and has anger issues , and he rejects girls that r nice to him
by Jaheart23 July 16, 2018
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A rambunctious person that knows how to have fun, but dont get on his bad side. He will protect his family at any cost
Person A: yo Silas had the best party ever yesterday

Person B: yeah but he beat up that kid that made fun of his sister
by Smiledogqween June 20, 2020
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Silas is a guy that buys you anything you want and he cares about you and when your cold they take there jacket off and gives it to you.
Girlfriend: Hey babe, why don't you treat me like a Silas?

Boyfriend: If I'm not a Silas then get one.
by Female Alpha K15 April 29, 2018
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A name. She's very funny, amazing, wholesome and loves people.

Her love life is a mess she just likes everyone. She will eat slot of her favorite food but eat little what she dosent
Oh Sila is a great friend and she makes the funniest jokes
by AddMeOnXboxAtGrillyall June 13, 2019
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Kick ass character from the Da Vinci code, also an albino catholic monk.
The only reason to read the Da Vinci code is just for Silas, because he is the best character.
by toee May 20, 2006
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Literally the hottest guy on earth. If you're lucky enough to meet a Silas then don't let him go cus he's most definitely the most attractive guy you every met yo whole life.
Hey Silas, you lookin real fine come over here and gimme a chicken nug.
by soilito March 3, 2021
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