A guessing game, very similar to I Spy, played by hippies while under the influence of random substances (most likely marijuana).

The item that you're guessing is called the marmaduke.

If you can't guess what it is and give up, or if someone else figures it out before you, then you just got marmaduked ...bitch.
by kay bee November 4, 2004
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A euhpamism for vagina.
"For real bro, she just pulls 'em off and her marmaduke was all shaved and shit. I tore it up."

"Come on girl.. Lemme see that dirty marmaduke.."
by d.blaze February 26, 2003
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when you have been drunk or high and you dont want to say so around someone
yeah me and mark were marmaduked
by sarahhhhhhhhhhhh May 3, 2008
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To send someone a picture message of your balls
Dammit Bill, this is the third time this week I have been marmaduked.
by jizzy77 August 30, 2008
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