The first and only media character on the net that it fun, crazy, awesome-voiced, and virtually a drug. A GOOD drug, mind you.

Oh, just visit!
There are many-a-word that are very strange. One being: banana. Banana had three a's, two n's, and one b. Where's HOMESTAR RUNNER the originality? I mean, it could've been called: "Weird Crescent Shaped Fruit o' Doom." Or maybe: "A Fruit that is so shi- oh shoot, time's up.
by Jigglyman January 14, 2003
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An armless stick-figure-lookin' guy who talks in a way that is actually understandable.
"Everyone loves the Homestar Runner. He is a terrific athlete." or "Homestar Runner is a stupid crap-for-brains webmaster."
by Sunbun April 15, 2003
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the most clever guy around. long legs, a spinning beanie, and a starred shirt. he doesn't have arms and talks with a lisp.
homestar talk: "Hey! My name is Howmstaw Wunner! What's yow name?"
by jr. webster February 27, 2003
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Homestar seems a little "slow" at times. I dont think the Chaps mean for him to sound like he's mentally handicapped, but the way he talks does indicate that he's not really "all there" upstairs. It just fits his image I guess.
-My neme-a is Huomestaw Wunnoh.

-Thet is oone-a ugly burd.
by STOCKHOLM - SVERIGE October 27, 2003
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Slow-witted, beanie-wearing, dullard with a speech impediment capable of annoying and amusing simultaneously.
Synonymous with Dumpface.
Often borrows fondue pots.
by Dan January 13, 2003
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a grotesque thing or whatever it is that is horribly stoopid!!!!!!!
homestar runner is grotesque cuz "it" has no arms!!!!!
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