An island country south of Australia.
Where are you from?
Cool! Where is Tasmania on the world map?
South of Australia
by H4V3ANlCED4Y August 23, 2011
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1. An island off the southern coast of Victoria
2. A shithole
3. A place that we should sell to China
4. Australia's future nuclear testing ground
5. Long form of "Tassie"
Person 1 "Oi where the fucks Tassie again mate?"
Person 2 "Ya fuckin dickhead, its south of Victoria"

Person 1"Oi wanna go to Tassie?"
Person 2 "Why the fuck would I go there? It's just a hole in the ground"

Xi Jinping(Chinese Dictator (please don't kill me China)) "Would you rike to serr Tasmana to great Peepers Repubric of China"
Aussie Government "No mate, fuck off"

2050: Atomic Testy Dude 1 "So where setting this off in Tassie right?"
Atomic Testy Dude 2 "Yeah mate"
Atomic Testy Dude 1 "But aren't there people there?"
Atomic Testy Dude 2 "Tasmanian's aren't people"
by Tasmanian'sAreLessThanJews April 28, 2018
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Tasmania is an acronym for T.A.S.mania. T.A.S. stands for Tupac Amaru Shakur. Therefore, there is tasmania fro 2Pac.
I have Tasmania because 2Pac is my hero.
by jensyao August 19, 2006
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The hive of rednecks and scumbags in Australia.
The scab that needs to be flicked off
Man 1: bro I want to Tasmania

Man 2: you mean the Texas of Australia except its only the rednecks and its cold af
Man 1: Well you could put it like that

Man 2: Shut up Tasmania sucks just like your mum sucks my magnum dong
by ButtholeTongueStuck June 13, 2021
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Refer to Incest for more infomation on tasmania
Not many people know about Tasmania
by _QuebeC_ April 19, 2017
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Tasmania Australia - an island state of Australia. It is located 240 kilometres (150 miles) to the south of the Australian mainland, separated from it by the Bass Strait, with the archipelago ( chain of islands) containing the southernmost point of the country. The state encompasses the main island of Tasmania, the 26th-largest island in the world, & the surrounding 1000 islands.The state capital & largest city is Hobart.

Hobart , Tasmania is the least-populated Australian state capital city, & 2nd-smallest if territories are taken into account, before Darwin , Northern Territory.

The city, initially known as Hobart Town or Hobarton, was named after Lord Hobart, the British Secretary of State for war & the colonies.

Tasmania was named after Abel Janszoon Tasman a Dutch seafarer & explorer, best known for his voyages of 1642 & 1644 .

Popular foods here are

Wild abalone & lobster. Tasmania is well known for its abundant marine life & great fishing, it is also one of the world's premier suppliers of wild abalone & lobster...

Leatherwood honey

Black truffles

Premium fresh fruit & vegetables.

Farmed salmon.

Tasmania deals out more than just world-class whiskys: the region is also famous for its gin and vodkas, and other spirits


Tasmania JackJumpers a Basketball team

Tasmania Tigers a cricket team

South Hobart Football Club a Australian soccer club

Hobart Hurricanes a T20 cricket Big Bash League.

North-West Tasmania Thunder a Australian basketball team

Tasmania Australia :

Tasmania's main island was inhabited by Aboriginal peoples for up to 40,000 years before British colonization. The island was permanently settled by Europeans in 1803 as a penal settlement of the British Empire.

The Black War was a period of violent conflict between British colonists & Aboriginal Tasmanians in Tasmania from the mid-1820s to 1832. The conflict, fought largely as a guerrilla war by both sides, claimed the lives of 600 to 900 Aboriginal people & more than 200 British colonists.

The Port Arthur massacre was a mass shooting that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, a tourist town in the Australian state of Tasmania. The perpetrator, Martin Bryant, killed 35 people & wounded 23 others, the worst massacre in modern Australian history. The attack led to fundamental changes in Australia's gun laws.

(Prior to this / before this happened )
After quitting a national gun summit in 1987, 8 years before the massacre & following 2 mass shootings in Melbourne earlier in 1995, Premier of New South Wales Barrie Unsworth said: "it will take a massacre in Tasmania before we get gun reform in Australia", referencing Tasmania's resistance to gun law changes. A redesign of the laws for all states & territories of Australia had been prepared by officers & presented at a meeting of police ministers in Launceston in 1995. It had been rejected by Tasmania.
by Blu_leef May 20, 2023
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1. A pictorial representation of the the island state south of the Australian mainland.
2. Somewhat dated slang term for the female pubic region, bearing a likeness to (1).
Ted: Yeah, Doreen said I she get a taste of things south, so I thought I'd venture down Hobart way. Or should I go to Devonport?

Maurie: Tough call, mate. Hey Denise! Come in to the loungeroom. Spread your map of Tasmania wide so Ted can get a good look and pick up some ideas. When I go down there, I reckon you should spend some time lingering on the mountain in the north. It worth your time and will be well appreciated. Don't just plunge in to the valleys of the deep south, you'll come back too soon.
by Qpid Stunt January 12, 2005
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