Furry sex. Can be noun or verb. Similar to the word Fuck but only applies to acts between furrys
I need a good scritch.

Look at that babe in the turtle outfit, I'd love to scritch that.
by Bob the furry April 26, 2007
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The act of having sex while dressed up as an animal.
What a great time last night. I got my brains scritched out by a ground hog.
by Bikermike February 5, 2010
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According to a random drunk lady on the street, a scritch party is a party in which a group of furries sit around and scritch, supposedly with a sexual context. However, being that scritching is not necessarily sexual, it is most likely intended to mean "yiff party" and would be a classic case of a mundane's misuse of furry terminology.
Are you guys going to go back and have a scritch party later?
by Steel the Wolf November 3, 2010
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What the cat calls the neighbor they visited while you were busy playing video games with the crew
"Shit, is that *your* family? I bet they give you the good kibble"
"Nah, they my side scritch."
by MinAyakyl March 24, 2022
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The action of taking both your hands and putting them behind your back on your ass with your fingers curled inward like a claw while furiously scratching your butt cheeks.
After Alex got bit on the ass by a horde of mosquitos, he performed the classic Double Cheek Scritch maneuver.
by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023
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What a blood calls a south side bitch. A scrap bitch.
by Lish2cute January 25, 2021
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Somebody that keeps scrolling on your phone after only being allowed to look at one thing. A scrolling bitch
Person 1: "She is such a scritch"
Person 2:"I know. I allowed her to look at one picture in my gallery, but she scrolled so far that she found my smut folder!"

Person 3: "Scritch!"
by Hi welcome to chili's 🌶️ December 18, 2018
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