When someone comes up and annoys you, you would tell them to piss off.
by bread infection November 25, 2009
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There can be 4 meanings to the term piss off.
1. Yeah, totally. (Sarcasm)
2. Screw off, get lost.
3. To make someone mad/angry
4. A person whose job is to make people angry, a job done for pleasure.
1. "Yo, bro, I asked Megan out today. She said yes!"
"Piss off, you bitch"
2. "Who are you?"
"I'm James! You invited me to the jam!"
"Go piss off, I didn't invite you for shit."
3. "Hey, you shithead. You really pissed me off yesterday. It's time to pay."
4. "Greg, why are you being such a fucking piss off?"
by DefineModernShit November 5, 2014
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That feeling you get when the Dodger bullpen blows another lead.
1) I am so pissed off right now. I can't believe Brian Wilson just allowed the tying run to score.

2) This game was going great until Jamie Wright came in. We were cruising along and now the Brewers have the lead. I am seriously pissed off.
by Dodgerblue1982 August 16, 2014
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very very annoyed and bored stiff with an act by an individual or individuals. fuming with anger , upset
She was pissed off with her work colleague before she finished work and had to get a taxi home as she was too upset to drive
by tapiwa aka miss tapiwa March 2, 2007
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Originating from a mountaineering slang - a climber following the leader on a steep slope would have to put-up with it if the person above needs to relieve himself.

Pissed off - an unpleasant experience that one cannot do anything about.
Greg was pissed off to hear his letter of appointment was lost in the post.
by Arty April 18, 2005
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That little shit has pissed off in the boat again .
The bum has pissed off to the beach
by jonmarksearle January 24, 2016
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