Orange County is an extremely diverse, yet segregrated county. You'll find large groups of all races, just in different spots of OC. Usually split into two parts, north and south. North is usually considered the more "ghetto" and poorer part, while the South is richer and more plush. This is generally true. Some of the anomilies, however include:

-Yorba Linda: This city, unlike much of its North OC companions, is not a minority majority. There is lots of old money and blue bloods, beautiful homes and was rated by CNN as the 11th best place to live in USA.

-Fullerton: About 80% Asian, with 90% of those Asians being Korean. The city is also fairly wealthy, but is suffering from urbanization and white flight, so it is going down the tubes pretty quick.

-Villa Park: Another place with lots of old money, similar to Yorba Linda with slightly cheaper housing.

-Brea: There are parts of it which seem like an extension of Yorba Linda, and parts of it which seem like an extension of Fullerton, both nearby cities.

-Irvine: This central-south~ish city is the biggest bubble on the planet. Split in terms of ethnicity, about 45/45 Asian/White, with other ethnic groups making up the rest. It is like a government experiment gone wrong. Homes, streets, signals, business places, parks, EVERYTHING was preplanned. The result? Homes with no backyards, where you can reach out your window and shake your neighbors hand, streets where you must go past your original destination 4 miles to make a simple u-turn, etc. The school system, however, is rated to be excellent, which is why so many Asian people flocked there.

The rest of OC basically falls into the South - rich, North - poor.
The Orange County you see on TV is completely not true. Nowhere in OC do you find only spoiled rich snobby white kids.
by electricone September 3, 2006
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Orange County is a county in Southern California. It is the suburban sprawl capital of the world, none of the land is left natural, you could sit in traffic for five hours trying to get to big bear....The worst traffic jams on earth, everywhere you drive in orange county, there's no open land, no natural beauty.....
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot....
by i really want to leave July 10, 2005
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A county in the Hudson Valley of New york, home to towns such as Goshen, Monroe, Middletown, Florida, Chester, and Newburg.
There is OTHER orange countys in the US you know.
by JennQ June 9, 2005
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The best fuckin' place in the world. Very diverse but very fun. Unlike L.A.
It's my OC
It's your OC
All the other towns can see
That Orange County..
Is the place to be!!
by Tv-Raised February 5, 2007
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The inbred bastard child of Los Angeles and San Diego counties, with neither one of their advantages (i.e. no cultural identity) and all of their faults (i.e. out of control real estate prices, smog, gangs).
Overheard at numerous bars in both LA and San Diego:

Guy 1: "I'm from Los Angeles- Venice Beach, to be exact."
Girl: "Oooh, how cool is that?"
Guy 2: "I'm from San Diego- Pacific Beach"
Girl: "Oh, I love that place!"
Guy 3: "And I'm from Orange County!"
Girl: (with a look that's a mixture of pity and revulsion)", well that's...interesting..."
by T. Spencer July 30, 2006
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Quite possibly one of the strangest places to be because of the weird diversity. Orange County, in California, is a bit of a mixing bowl for the upper-middle-class to even lower, but majority is rich. Usually called a beach community because you either live by the beach or the beach is at most a half hour drive away.

There are many aspects to Orange County based on town, here are some:

Irvine - Economically diverse, minority majority, the biggest bubble you can find in the United States. The only people we have here that are "hard core" are wangsters who can't rap. Oh and half of the wangsters are Asian, not African-American.

Orange - Less wealthy, very dreary and very WASTED area. There are tons of druggies and garage bands thrive here. White majority, unlike Irvine, but not racist.

BEACH cities - Such a large category that it's melded into one. Generally full of spoiled, rich, white racists. Lots of booze. 'Course that's just a generalization so it can't be THAT bad, can it?

Oh. And there are no freakin' oranges here. I live in Irvine and I've only seen a small area of orange trees near my house. The other place where there are orange trees is near a college but it's a really small amount.

What kind of fruit do we have the most of?

"Hey guys I live in the OC!"

"Isn't that the place full of horny, white racists?"

"NO that's the BEACH cities! I live in Orange."

by Chienism April 24, 2005
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