There is absolutely no other definition for an o face besides the face a youtube viewer makes when he or she is craving an outro performed by Tobuscus.
Also known as "outro-jingle face," or "outro face"
I was totally having my o face on, and then he finally fufilled my needs.

Tobuscus: You had that outro-jingle look on your face - no offence. That's a compliment. A very attractive feature in a lot of cultures, called outro face - look it up! - or o face, for short.
by emilysnap February 27, 2011
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the face one supposedly makes during an orgasm
He made an o-face after dropping the book.
by Light Joker June 6, 2007
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originating from the movie Office Space, o-face describes the face one supposedly makes while ejaculating onto a woman, esp. the areola/nip of the left titty. yes my friends, that is the sweetspot. you know you've hit home when her left tittay is covered in skeet. she will love it so much, she will beg for a cleveland steamer to finish the charade off.
**sexual things take place**
man's voice: OHHHHH OHHHHH (while face is contorted with happiness)
**ejaculate spews**
the end
by diego davis August 10, 2005
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The look Obama gets when telling a lie which looks exactly like having a orgasm
Wow, did you see Obamas O Face when he said he would not raise our taxes?
by heywoodja July 25, 2010
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the face you make saying "oh" while having sex
"show her my o-face"
by Ben February 8, 2003
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1. THe commical yet definatley satisfying face one makes when a girl is jerking your johnson and your like "wow" ahhhhh "0-FACE"
by Tnutz June 2, 2006
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Facial expression denoted by the lips and mouth of Barack Obama supporters forming an "O" shape.

Frequently made by Obama supporters when:

1)Barack Obama owned John McCain in the presidential debates.

2)Barack Obama makes clear and unbiased descriptions of the future of the United States under his leadership.

3)Barack Obama won the race for the White House in the 2008 presidential campaign.
"Did you see Chris's O-face after the last debate?"

"Are you ready to sport your O-face at the post-election party tomorrow?"
by amabosekilyks November 3, 2008
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