A nepalese person
by 10lo March 19, 2014
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girl: *does something rich and popping*
me: that’s so nep
by flavortown888 March 1, 2022
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Nipples : can be either male or female but more frequently female.
" That girl has the hottest neps ! "
by ténti December 31, 2014
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Bob: Wow Jeccas such a whore.
Glen: nep
by rob January 14, 2004
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When you can’t decide between yep or nope
Person 1: you ready for the party?
Person 2: Uhhhh, nep.
by oofoofoofisay April 24, 2020
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A non-entrepreneur.
He couldn't possibly understand what we are talking about, he's a NEP. 
by Dr. DK May 31, 2012
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