11 definitions by 10lo

A nepalese person
by 10lo March 19, 2014
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An Australian term meaning '15 minutes'.
Guy 1: Hey mate, you nearly here?
Guy 2: Yeah, i'll be there in a Kearve Hour.
by 10lo March 6, 2013
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An Asian cafe type place (kinda like Starbucks) which sells tea (and a few coffees too), with nearly 100 different types of tea on the menu. Chatimes typically have loud Chinese pop music playing and Asians sitting at the tables drinking tea.
Stop playing Chinese pop music, this is a house party not Chatime.
by 10lo April 8, 2012
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An Australian male, usually with limited education, who is loud and obnoxious at all times.

A Brad is often found overseas getting into pub fights, chanting Khe Sanh or The Horses at high volume with fellow Brads, causing property damage and generally pissing off the locals.
"Look at those Brads over there chanting Khe Sanh and doing shoeys"
by 10lo October 9, 2022
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One has 'Miley Fatigue' when one is sick of hearing about Miley Cyrus.
'Dammit, Miley Cyrus is in the news again? Hasn't everyone got Miley Fatigue yet?'
by 10lo September 25, 2013
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A Moisty Hunter is a male, usually in Year 11 or 12 at an Australian high school, who goes after girls in younger grades, typically girls in Year 7 through to Year 9 or 10.
Year 12 guy 1: Hey, I got in with that Year 9 girl!
Year 12 guy 2: You moisty hunter...
by 10lo September 25, 2013
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In Australia, a 'drop kick' refers to someone who isn't very smart and hasn't made it very far in life. A drop kick usually doesn't go to school anymore, either having dropped out or done very poorly in Year 12, and is usually either unemployed or working a crappy low paid job full time (such as at McDonalds, KFC, supermarket etc), with no aspirations to do anything better with their lives. Many smoke and/or do drugs. Many drop kicks are eshays or bogans.

Drop kicks can be found hanging around train stations or bus interchanges, shopping centres and of course in low paid, unskilled jobs like fast food or supermarkets.
Guy 1: So, what happened to James? He dropped out of school before we graduated, what's he doing now?
Guy 2: Yeah, he's working at McDonalds full time. He's a total drop kick.
by 10lo January 19, 2014
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