26 year old, Japanese/American Emcee from Agourna, California.
Married to long term girlfriend, Anna.
6ft, black hair, dark brown eyes.
by Julie December 10, 2003
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one of 6 members of the band linkin park who is half japanese half american. Not only does he mc, he does backing vocals (he even has a singin solo towards the end of "papercut"), he plays rhythm guitar on some of their songs, he plays keyboard on some songs and he designs their album covers and t-shirts. Oh and he has a hip hop/rap project called fort minor. He is probably 1 of the best musicians out there and is probably the best non-black rapper at the moment. How ironic that the 1 of the best rappers at the moment is from a rock band. funny.
mike shinoda will never be forgotten.....
by shinoda57 October 5, 2006
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mike is the best guy in the world
the best singer
the best composer
the best artist
the best husband...
the rapper of linkin park, hte best group in the world, with adema

you are my god
by $mishy$ March 18, 2004
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The seriously hot emcee (rapper)for Linkinj Park
Mike is SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot!!!Too bad he's married. ANNa got to him first, though. Good luck and happi marrige
by Ditto39 February 7, 2004
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he is beyond SEXY, CUTE, AND HOT, he plays the guitar, piano, and he writes most of the lp songs, he is extremly talented.
by Katheryn May 16, 2004
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Well, where do I begin? When it comes to Mike Shinoda, I can't even put a limit on the number of amazing things he has done in his career and the things he has done to mold into the wonderful person he is. I just saw him at the 2004 Meteora tour, and while I can't discredit the rest of the band because without them there would be no band, there was something about Mike that stood out amongst the rest...maybe it was his upbeat personality? When I read this profile of him, I was shocked at his interests in art because a lot of it reminded me of myself, and I'm not just saying that. I love art too, and it doesn't hurt that Mike is also extremely good-looking and unique. Mike, never give up and always listen to yourself, not the media!
A great guy-no matter what
by ELF January 27, 2004
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The EmCee for Linkin Park. Majored in graphic design in college. Married to long time girlfriend Anna Lovejoy. Born Feb. 11, 1977, almost 27 yrs. old. Very hot, super sexxy.
He's so hot!...So jealous of Anna. Good for her, she got to him first.
by Jacki January 18, 2004
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