I didn't have a good answer to the facts he presented , so I accused him of "mansplaining". I hypocritically said I wanted him to treat me equally with men, but I can't stand how men talk with each other so I told him he was "mansplaining". I claim I believe in equality and understanding, but the fact that men learned as kids that they have to over explain is just irritating so to get him to shut up i accused him of "mansplaining".
by Droitduseigneiur August 5, 2018
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Mansplaining is basically intellectual dishonesty. Instead of listening and considering the arguments of opposing views, even if you then refute them, you simply brush off any opposing views as inherently wrong because a man said it.
Feminist: Men gets paid 1 dollar while a woman gets 73 cents, oh the patriarchy...
Rational Person: Well, the statistic that you stated didn't account for the kinds of jobs that men usually take, the amount of time they work in the shift, education and more. If you managed to remove all those factors, both men and women get basically the same amount.
Retarded Feminist: Shut the fuck up you sexist mansplaining pig!!!!
by Dr. Dayum May 29, 2018
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an odd word, mostly used by women, to belittle and dismiss when a man is explaining a topic. it basically means the exact same thing as "explaining", just a sexist and illogical version of the word.
Man: "so basically, i really love dogs. did you know that the greyhound was originally bred as a racing breed? back in the day, people used to race them very similarly to how we race horses today."

Woman: "stop mansplaining me"

Man:"...what? im just passionate about dogs and enjoy talking to people about them. why do you have to try and make me feel bad about that? and why are you using such a sexist term? very uncalled for."

by princesspeech June 3, 2022
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(Male Perspective)

A verbal presuppositional term women resort to when men offer a prospective verbal solution to an issue that is simple and plausible, yet the receptive party acts insecure when faced with acknowledging its viability. Thus, rejecting the proposed hypothesis under an irrational means.

(Although true, by saying this definition as a “man” to a “woman”, you are indeed mansplaining)
“You really didn’t have to be mansplaining to her.”

“Mom, just wait until you see this definition I submit to Urban Dictionary… and get off Tik Tok.”
by Cam Flem May 24, 2022
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Short for “man explaining”. A term that females use to try to make men feel guilty for talking about anything they don’t agree with.
Want to go to Jeffrey’s Diner for dinner?
“Eh their prices are a little high.”
Wow no need to start mansplaining.
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 May 20, 2022
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When a male misunderstands a question from a female and the male proceeds to explain something else that does not answer the female's question, insulting her intelligence because the male decided to explain a topic the female or any sane person would know. If in group other females in group understand the female's question.
Jesus Christ Jim, I wasn't asking why toasters were invented, I was asking if you use one for breakfast - stop mansplaining the existence of toasters!
by toastersRus October 25, 2017
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Basically, just plain explaining. It is a term created by radical females who refuse to acknowledge and give credence to any logical male with convincing rhetoric because of said female's penis envy and therefore, to spite the opposite gender who she feels is given everything on a silver platter, is in a state of denial and refuses to acknowledge any success brought on by their natural gender or gender-neutral talents. She perishes any thoughts that men also have problems of their own and can envy what women are capable of. Her insecurities shaped a psyche that just cannot allow her to accept the success of any male; she is just plain jealous and doesn't wish to concede due to her own poor life choices rather than use her talents to her abilities.
Big Red: I just hate that Josh is getting paid more than me. That is so sexist.

Tom: Well, to be fair, Josh has a set of skills that he has spent years and thousands of dollars acquiring that he just happens to be natural at. You simply work in the office of the company. This has nothing to do with gender. I'm sure if you decide to pursue his or another career then you can find a job that can make you even more than him.

Big Red: Typical, you stick up for your fellow man by mansplaining something to validate the disparity between our genders. Men just get everything. They don't even have to sit down, wait in line, and scrub the toilet seat when they use the bathroom.

Tom: But...

Big Red: You are getting me all triggered. I'm going away.
by The Anti-clown September 7, 2018
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