An item of underwear that has been worn and is sitting in the laundry basket waiting to be washed. Often features suspicious white crispy stains.
"Ere, make sure you fish out me grots before you put that wash on, my love".
by tom December 26, 2005
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another name for a whore/ slut.
You banged Jenn last night? She just screwed me 2 days ago. She is such a grot.
by kidlou December 26, 2011
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One who has muscles like a body-builder/someone who takes steroids, although it can also be used in a sarcastic way.
When seeing an ACTUAL grot: DO NOT say anything incase you get twatted...

Sarcastically: When seeing an obviously un-grotty person..."Check this grot! haha"
by Faye-mous October 14, 2008
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When a dog is gobbling and scratching at his balls with his slobbery mouth
Henry woke up every so often to shift about in his basket and give himself a good grotting.
by georgeporge February 17, 2010
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Used to describe someone/something that is simultaneously horrible and fascinating. More specifically, used to describe someone that is simultaneously "grotesque" and "hot."

Oddly attractive, intriguing, or oddly pleasant
"While Jordin Sparks (on American Idol) is overweight and somewhat of a beast, she is grot" ie there is something oddly attractive about her.
by Kref May 2, 2007
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slang term for a love bite.
british chav version of 'hicky'
Errr look at that grot on his neck
by Moofyness December 18, 2006
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