Firefly is by far the most Goram best set in space t-v series of all time. Bar none!!
"Hey Jimmy, this is so Goram good" "Oi Noonga, it surely is, it's so good it's firefly"
by Mooty with the big booty December 7, 2019
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Verb: To end something (usually a tv show) too soon.
I hope xyz tv show comes back and they don't firefly me.

Think also to be Fireflied.
by IrreverentGal October 6, 2014
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Little tiny insects that tend to die when they make love with cigarette ends.
Hey dude! That firefly is dirtying your cigarette end!!
by The agar \_/ BACFORD July 5, 2016
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A verb describing some show, play, story series, etc. whose completion is interrupted prior to a completion of the story, generally causing public upset (as in the case of the Joss Whedon TV show "Firefly").
I'm so sad that the author died. Now his books have been fireflied.
by Anon E. Mouse IV January 23, 2014
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a mad sick new drug that makes you trip balls!
dude let's get glimmered on this firefly cuz it is sleek as shit!
by glittercon May 12, 2009
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Since the only definition of fireflies are about that stupid, overplayed song, I'm writing a real one.

Fireflies are little bugs that have chemicals to make their abdomens light up. They do this to attract mates, but it looks pretty damn cool also.

They are also for catching and putting in jars ^_^
Me and my friend went out and caught fireflies yesterday.
by Haxed13 December 11, 2009
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