Someone who is a close talker. They put their face close to yours and you can feel their breath on your face. There is usually 1-15cm between your face and theirs.
friend 1: Hey have you noticed somthing annoying about how alwin talks?

friend 2: Yeah he's really facespace. I think he had curry for lunch. I could smell it in his breath.
by Mrs. Mr. Ms. Dr. Nick July 26, 2008
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v: the act of simultaneously checking both myspace and facebook.
Shaq: Hey man! What you doin?
Jamal: Not much, just on checking my facebook and my myspace.
Shaq: Don't you have nothin better to do than facespacing?
Jamal: Hell no! These two sites is my life!
Shaq: Man, you's a loser. I'm goin out to get laid.
by masonjar May 30, 2008
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The crafty are of toggling between your myspace and facebook pages.
I didn't get any of the housework done because I was tied up facespacing today.
by adrienneintx February 10, 2009
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to add or request someone on your myspace and facebook at the same time.
friend 1

"hey bro, you got to add me to my facespace!"

friend 2

"what's that??"

friend 1

"it's my myspace and facebook at the same time, man."
by 9erGman4life September 25, 2009
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the combination of MySpace and FaceBook when you don't give a rats hairy ass what is going on in others lives
Girl 1: OMG! Did you see what Sarah posted on her wall?

Girl 2: I don't have facespace / mybook and don't really care.
by leoguy85 January 27, 2012
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"The Facespace Pose" - When you take a picture of yourself with your Cell, holding it up high, thrusting your bum and boobs out and making that discustingly un-erotic pout? Worse Still with a friend in like pose?
Gernick was so pleased with herself. She was so hot in her Facespace pose that she received instant hits
by Nedd4u January 2, 2011
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