The massive out migration of Michigan residents due to the poor state of the Michigan economy and lack of available work.
"I just graduated from college and I can't find work anywhere."
"Yeah I know. I'll be joining the Michigan exodus real soon myself."
by Stephen A.B. November 21, 2008
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System Exodus is an amazing discord server which were you can get amazing scripts. Only the best
Imagine not getting a script from System Exodus
by Jxnt May 26, 2020
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When a man ejaculates into a womens belly button, and then proceeds to stick his tip into the belly button. When the guy pulls out his dick, just the tip will be white
I did an amazing exodus black with this chick yesterday
by Goobula November 17, 2017
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I was on a metal forum and made a topic asking people for music recommendations.. I mentioned that I love great bands like new Metallica, new Megadeth, Staind, Linkin Park, Atreyu, etc. Everyone was flaming me! and told me to stop being brainwashed by MTV! I laughed and told them that they were crazy because I have great taste in music.
Some dude called me a "noob" and told me to check out this Exodus band for tr00 metal. I listened to this "Fabulous Disaster" album on YouTube and I was disgusted.. Horrible Disaster is more like it!! it was SO bad!! It's just constant blast beats over crappy vocals, it's nothing special at all. For great metal albums listen to "St Anger", "Risk" or "Break The Cycle". See: poo poo band
by not found [Error 404] August 4, 2009
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A gosu person on warcraft 3 that plays on the Azeroth Gateway.
I dont want to get into a solo game verse exodus!
by John June 7, 2003
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A way of describing the massive influx of politicians who've quit Donald Trump's cabinet and former allies of his that have since discovered just how nuts he is, and therefore, have decided to abandon ship in an effort to save their asses from either being fired or jailed
If this Orange Exodus keeps up, there'll be no one for Donald Trump to hide behind
by Metallicajunkie October 9, 2018
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When a significant issue unexpectedly enters your life.
Ohh no! This premature exodus came out of nowhere
by Ali Mehr May 11, 2023
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