neil peart....he has a drumset
Neil Peart is the drummer of rush, a very good band
by Aj February 17, 2005
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House, accomodation etc
I'm taking that bitch back to my drum...
by NQ1 November 9, 2005
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Chick magnet. Played by dudes to get girls 80% of the time.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." - Larry Mullen, Jr.
by Marky April 7, 2005
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This word is used when someone does anything either right or wrong and you still support him no matter what bad things he might do
A:This guy is no good, why are you drumming for him?
B: Because he's my friend and i will keep drumming for him no matter what
by 3mksilvow June 13, 2020
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The craft of producing a combination of aerial sound vibrations which are able to be universally accepted as "Music" on a percussion instrument of assembly of such with relative ease. Can be accomplished with ample instruction and practice. To construct a pattern of these vibrations in the form of a "beat", a Drummer must repeatedly make contact on one surface (or several simultaneously) with one or both of his or her tapered wooden cylinders. To amplify the volume of the vibrations produced as a result of this process, the Beat Technician may increase the velocity and/or net force which the cylinder deliveres to the beat surface.

The Drummer is drumming.
Drumming is fun.
"Stop drumming on my baby's head!"
by FUGGYEW February 3, 2009
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yea lars does suck....all he has is speed...and how are we forgetting john bonham and keith moon?
lars is gay...go bonham and moon
by justme March 4, 2005
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