Voluptuous lumps on a woman's chest, if they are big and bouncy ...well then you got the tool to seduce and man into whatever you want him to do
Girl: hey babe can you get me a smoothie

Guy: ugh do I have to

Girl( comes out shirtless letting her massive boobs bounce near her boyfriends face ): please babe for me I'll let you touch my boobs later

by Sexy blonde chick December 31, 2015
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The greatest things in the world that just so happen to have females attatched to them.
"Dude, those amazing boobs have a girl growing on them!!!"
by Live2Love March 22, 2006
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( .Y. )=normal boobs
(.Y.)=small boobs
( . Y . )=big boobs
( .y. )=retarded boobs
( . | . )=flat boobs

My girlfriend has( . Y . )boobs.
by MidgitMan May 3, 2006
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When a woman attacks you with her breast area.
Opps sorry i just boobed you.
by Jeffscriv June 22, 2007
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Man...her boobs are huge! I'm getting a mass erection!
by Amos Nusheg February 20, 2008
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