short for bambino (meaning baby or young child) often used as a affectionate nickname for people to describe someone who is particularly childlike and innocent.
"aww look at him, he's such a bambi" "hey Bambi" - when used as a nickname
by hugmeyay March 20, 2007
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The name for a beautiful, intelligent, and well liked woman. Any one who has a mean thing to say about the name just needs a better self-esteem and something better to do with their time.
by anonymous-editor September 18, 2007
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Someone who is terrible at everything and just there to make up the numbers.
“That team is shit, one of them is definitely a bambi
by LiamBell12 January 14, 2019
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An adorable doe-eyed human being, with the best bouffant atop of his beautiful head. Also known as 'Andrew Garfield.'
by Bambi's bouffant. January 20, 2011
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girls or female friends that are attractive
josh-yo man you see those bambies over?
mike-yeah sin them bambies not hot
by bambies January 27, 2009
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She/He is a beautiful person who is very clumsy but always manages to pick themselves up again. they are very funny and have the best smiles. they are very athletic. but they always doubt themselves and say that they're not good enough when really they are perfect. so if you ever meet a Bambi always hold onto her (so she doesn't fall) and cherish every moment with her
Person: hey I met this amazing person today, but they were very clumsy
Person: that's a Bambi they're very hard to find and are perfect
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aka Dr. Dorian,
aka Julia, Andrea, Lassie, Angela, Beyonce, Britney, Susie, Betsy or any other girl´s name Dr. Cox can think of on the spot.
J.D.: First off, I'd like to thank you all for agreeing to talk.

Carla: Bambi, you paged us here.
by The Todd July 14, 2004
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