Occurs during early morning in small to large office buildings inside the male restroom; Freshly applied, strong and cheap cologne mixes with the nasty beer and hot wings stool that is releived from the male. Thus creating a uniquely blended and familiar scent to the office environment.
Break Room Convo: “Dude have you walked into the bathroom yet this morning? Someone dropped a nasty cologne turd in there and never flushed.”
by Ole Ric November 2, 2018
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A guy pretending to be rich, photograbs random photos of women, then later claims them as his ExGFs. Admits to being a womanizer and having lots of firstborn children. When cornered, Turd KupalMooks will bare his teeth and threaten anyone with hacking. This person is so insecure, he brags about having one particular kit as the penultimate proof of being a Gunpla hero collector. He's also a scammer, a bogus buyer and joy-dibber, but is stupid enough to purchase a kit from a Shopee seller just so he can give the seller a 1-star rating, thinking it would matter, because he thinks the world of himself.
Have you heard what Turd KupalMooks did to a female cosplayer in the group chat?
by TheLingeringSaint March 19, 2022
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The act of taking a shit, pooping, dropping a deuce, doping an obozo, taking the browns to the super bowl.
by Lord busts a turd February 3, 2019
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You will usually find a "Yellow Turd" in your toilet after eating the following foods:
iHop, McDonald's, BurgerFi, Freddy's, ThanksGiving Dinner
They are usually long and thick and they always come out in one long "turd"
Birthing a "Yellow Turd" will surely cleanse your bowels for weeks to come.
When you see these, expect good news to be on it's way.
"Bro I just dropped a huge Yellow Turd. Check it out."
*shows pic of Yellow Turd*
"Dude that's awesome! You must pull hella bitches with them shits."
by FWYBFWYBFWYB February 20, 2022
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A turd so large, nothing else can fit in your prison wallet.
Joe almost got prison raped, but his prison turd saved him.
by Joe Somebody 68 November 30, 2018
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A pile of laundry that just sits in the middle of your room - no one wants to claim it, but yet there it is
Ok, who left this laundry turd in the middle of the floor?
by McKena10 April 25, 2017
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not being able to get words out; like being constipated, but with words.
Dude 1: Dude, spit it out!

Dude 2: Sorry Dude, I just had a word turd
by haramb3 November 24, 2016
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