(aka. magic bleed).

When your supernatural powers bleed out of your body-causing them to become weaker or eventually be lost.
'The more ichor (liquid gold blood of the gods) that bled from the demigod's body, the more faint, as well as powerless he felt; He was having a magic leak and so his winged guardian spirits tried to feed him ambrosia (the healing elixir of the gods), in an attempt to revive him.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 30, 2022
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When you didn't wash your bits after sex or masturbation and the sperm has dried up and made a disgusting smelling cheese.
Bro 1: Hey bro imma take a leak
Bro 2: Yeah sure bro

*1 min later*

Bro 1: ey bro it be looking like a cheesy leak down there!
Bro 2: that's disgusting bro go wash yourself!
by Bigdickdonaldduck August 2, 2018
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A leak war is when nerds who buy mp3 files and then pass them to their other broke friends and have all their songs leak because they are so passed that 10 people have each song so then they end up all leaking in a short amount of time.
Daniel the fat broke guy had both ways leaked on him during the recent leak war.
by revoltingback August 1, 2023
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An expression used by the male sarcastically after cumming inside.
Moaning by both sides. The guy cummed inside. The guy says oh my pipe leaked sarcastically, then abandoning his partner.
by Leakypipe November 29, 2017
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When brown pee comes outta your butt hole
Yo, that keg beer gave me a leaking butt hole!
by Paulllube April 15, 2017
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He is the best Fortnite Leaker within the Fortnite Community on Twitter.
Rift Leaks is the best Fortnite Leaker in the world
by RiftLeaks April 1, 2019
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When a woman queefs in a man’s ass and then the man farts in her vagina at the same time making an ultimate vibration.
i had pussy-ass gas leak with my stepsister and she queefed so loud that ass checks are still vibrating
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