A sorceress; A deep, compassionate being.

She is a goddess who uses her Heart to guide her. With the destroyer archetype she uses her curse to bend perspectives and create new worlds.
by Jerome Peters January 13, 2021
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A offensive slang word commonly used in Singapore and Malaysia describing some frustration emotions
Nabe lanthis guy doesn’t want to give me space 😤😤😤😤
by Zddxdd December 2, 2021
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Biggest milf, biggest tits you'll ever see.
teach you can wank over
have you seen the lan lowry
yeah she is so hot
by Big tits lowry October 23, 2017
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It is simply a question which is determined to define the undefined yet. People often use this for unknown situation/event or word.
Me: Tell me what is going on?
Person: Shy what are is to you going back to school.
Me: Bu ne lan?
by Hususilaf January 29, 2018
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1. To daze or render senseless, by or as if by a blow.
2. To overwhelm or daze with a loud noise.
3. To stupefy, as with the emotional impact of an experience; astound. See Synonyms at daze.
4. One that moves Johnny Fong's heart.
5. Most beautiful wife.
6. Amazing woman.
Only the most amazing women will be selected to be a Lan To
by Johnny Fong December 1, 2003
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Mai Lan is pure swag. Blooms as beautifully as its name origin, a Vietnamese flower. Walks the streets as if they own it.

In conclusion, swag.
A: Who's that? Why so swag?
B: That's Mai Lan. The swag is name inherent.
by swaggermailan November 21, 2021
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A LAN bud/homie is a friend that you only really consider a friend in reference to video games.

Essentially, a non-close friend who you only really interact with while playing video games.
Guy 1: hey you’re friends with him right? Why don’t you go talk to him

Guy 2: oh no we’re not really friends, we’re just LAN buds/homies
by MagicMooze November 3, 2021
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