A red headed female whose pubic hair resembles that of a clown.
I think clown snatch is wanting my johnson.
by urbandiclova October 19, 2010
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The act of blowing up balloons with nitrous, and inhaling them while on psychedelics to enhance visuals. The key to playing clown is replicating the sound of a balloon being blown up by a clown at a party, or by a wook at a music festival.
Bro 1: Did you hear those balloons being filled up at our neighbors campsite until 4:30 am last night?

Bro 2: Sounds like they were playing clown.
by rslock February 13, 2021
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A mysterious, cheerful yet very irritating music. The origins of the music are unknown. Possibly coming from creepy motorhomes but no one is brave enough to get close enough to see. This music plays and is heard an but strange, inappropriate moments. Some have been known to be with a hottie and see fireworks.. others have been known to be a hottie and hear clown music. If you were in an enclosed area with no hottie to distract you, listening to the clown music you would want to tear your fingernails off chew on them.
As he pressed me passionately against the side of my car, off in the distance mysterious clown music could be heard.
by jewel9952 August 1, 2011
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unwilling to work or use energy. Synonym for lazy. Only used for the most lazy people to walk the earth.
Yo Danny, pick up the ball it's right in front of you, you Fat Clown.

Ben, quit standing around and hiding, do some of the workouts you Fat Clown.
by frankmeister461 April 24, 2023
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on december the 3rd, you find the clown, asshole, or furry closest to you, and beat the living shit out of them.
hey Jim-Bob! its beat the shit out of a clown day!
by 14637956857642236735 December 2, 2020
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Someone who is very cheerful and fun to hang around with. A person who will cheer you up, life up you mood!
Amaani is the Ace of all Clowns, she never fails to make me laugh!
by woqumshtbu12 February 9, 2021
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