a group of romantically unsuccessful males who believe that women are only objects meant for breeding and worship ted Bundy. common beliefs include but are not limited too: rape should be legal, paedophilia is natural, and that Ted Bundy is a prophet of their make believe religion of black pill and inceldom

Incels: all Foids ( Incel for women) are tools for breeding and sex with toddlers should be legal, and if you disagree with me your a beta cuck
by Arkonian May 12, 2022
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A common INSULT to Label other people as INvoluntary CELebate , meaning other people dont want to have sex with you because youre AN INADECUATE person in some regard but in actuality, when used as an insult, (even unintentionally) it's really is a self confirming projection that other people decide your worth and by believing in this false assumption , it then allows them the right to decide the value of everyone else. So if someone lacks the discernment to use love and acceptance as motivation, their really telling you their true motivation is driven by hate and are probably a very angry obstinate person who hides and disguises their true emotions behind a false and shallow ego by needing to confirm their self worth by throwing poo at you.
I believe other people decide my worth, so by calling you an incel, I am confirming my hatred of Religious Doctrine and a millennia of sound ancestral advice that recommends "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged"
by chЯis † ΩpheЯ April 8, 2023
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a man who cant pick up girls to save his life
Carl is such an incel, every girl practically runs away screaming from him.
by freaknap August 20, 2021
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Another word for homosexual, hence someone who is "involuntary celibate" and instead chooses to put their peewee in other peoples butts, but it's not really sex because they can't get pregnant. The do this with the same gender because out of pure perversion and desperation. Sad really and pathetic. Normies use it as a degoratory slur against people who are strong singles and cool. Usually slur used by fat feminists or gay people when they get angry and can't think of anything else. Probably a type of psycological projection/trolling.
Damn Adam watches Twilight, he's such a mainstream incel.
by Hammerjacket August 17, 2023
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Someone who is hated just for having no future.
You're an incel. That's all your fault. Never mind that that misogynistic wifebeating bully gets laid, that's just an exception. It's just your attitude.
by F***themall July 28, 2023
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Forever virgins that I usually encounter on Twitter who frequently use the N-word, worship Hitler, blame Jews for everything, attack the Trans community and mass post pictures of half naked or nude underage anime girls in and out of Nazi regalia.
"I'm here looking for oomphie's!"

"That's because you're a Nazi Incel!"
by ijustsaidthatshit July 15, 2023
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A man who thinks women exist to give him pleasure.
Incel David thinks women owe him sex
by Rotten Turkey January 13, 2023
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