A super bad whipe out: could be surfing, snowboarding, skating, or someone who is absolutely wasted
Surfer 1:Jabroni did you go over the falls on that huge wave?
Surfer 2: Yeah I got totally flogged

Chad: Did you see Becky last weekend?

Hawk: yeah she was totally flogged. Giving out handys one the dance floor
by HaywoodJablowme!97 October 4, 2019
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Similar to a donkey punch with a few twists...

As a man is having intimate relations with a woman's rectal cavity from behind, he reaches over her head, grabs and pulls up on her lips (creating the two tusks) and then knocks her in the head with a truncheon (or other blunt object). This is the most intimate and romantic act anyone can participate in.
Dude, I'm totally in love with her, I'm waiting 'till marriage to walrus flog her.
by J "i am the walrus" Mo February 28, 2006
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Manage to have a good time despite enduring some bullshit.
*speaking to a mate who was fired and dumped on the same day the world happens to be ending*

Well I hope you get a flogs night out of it
by Surfking93 June 30, 2020
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A person who wears a butt plug all day long.
I hear Jim stays penetrated he is such a flog trapper
by Unlimited D May 1, 2018
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Someone who dogs the boys wthout a care
Person1 Where is glenn? He said he'd help today
Person2 Glenn is up the pub
Both together What a Putrid hommus flog
by slut undies February 3, 2018
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