Killed. Pref. in battle.

Came from street slang of late 1800s and meant "hanged" due to the severity and simpicity of the trial in that very Wild West.
- Hey, Johny, where's your hamster?

- Went to a duel with neighboor's cat and went west. Stupid piece of fur...
by RusteyRat April 10, 2017
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When you're actually so fucking high that you think you're laying in a cornfield in Kansas.
I actually fucking Went to Kansas last night.
by DeepFriedSteve September 16, 2019
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-Someone who is being A complete cunt for no reason.

-Someone who is pointing out small details that are not relevant to the topic at hand.

-A Complete Cunt
"Oh man, did you see Dave complain about those documents I sent over. Man, HE WENT FULL STU!"
by Really Smart Person April 21, 2020
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Exactly what it sounds like: You're sending a message (usually a NSFW message to your girlfriend/boyfriend) and you realize that you should look before you send - Because that just went to someone whom you REALLY don't want to see it, usually your mother.
Hey babe, my parents aren't home. Let's do it tonight ;)

*5 seconds later*


"You're grounded, young man!"
by Someone who kinda exists July 15, 2020
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a man’s penis becomes erect when he didn’t want it to
he had to leave before anyone saw. all the blood went to the wrong places
by pinkyoshi420 June 12, 2022
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