a. The event following a particularly contagious yawn, in which all persons in the vicinity cannot resist yawning themselves.

b. A phrase used in reaction to a boring speech, lecture, or conversation.
Sean passed his yawn to everyone in the freaking room just because he stayed out too late last night. It was like the fucking Voyage of the Yawn Spreader in there.

Don't even think about taking Jefferson's Public Administration class. It's just another Voyage of the Yawn Spreader. Everyone falls asleep within the first ten minutes.
by Alastairmaster June 20, 2011
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A girl with a vagina so badly damaged when she upens her legs it looks like a hippo with its mouth open.
Dude I was going down on her and took her panties off and I got scard I thought I was on the Discovery channel, She had a cunt like a Hippo yawning and it made a wierd noise at me.
by MERT July 1, 2012
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A common phrase used in Youtube comment sections to sorta-kindly remind them that they should just shut up and remind them not everybody thinks like them
Person A : Even non-sex gacha sucks
Person B : Ever heard of opin-yawns?
by FoxCrescentRoll May 16, 2020
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The cheesiest move a guy can ever do. ever. You yawn, and lift up your arms in a streching move, then put your arm over her shoulder. One of the hardest moves to pull off.
I saw a guy do the Yawn-And-Put-The-Arm-Over-The-Shoulder Manouver in france next to the eiffel tower before, and I wanted to go and shake his hand. But I didn't want to ruin the moment.
by Spudman2k9 June 19, 2009
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When somone yawns for so long you cant help but stare at them for the whole ten seconds that are yawning.
Persone 1: yawns a long uneeded yawn for to DANM long
Me: slaps in face
by A coool persone March 20, 2020
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Sighyawn is not yet defined as anything other than a way of doing things that are fun with people we like.
ey just saw that new collection from sigh yawn... sooo nice
by den gäspande lärlingen January 5, 2019
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