A Donald (Trump)

Cockney rhyming slang for a Dump (poo, shit, turd, stool)
Can you pass me my phone I'm just going for a Donald, won't be long...
by Sidevisor March 26, 2021
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He is hate itself and will do anything to put others around him down. He will stop at nothing to stomp the happiness from those around him and will be infectious like a virus spreading hate to those he hangs around
Person 1:Guys I think I caught Donald !
Person 2 : OMG ARE YOU OK?
by THEFATINVISIBLECUNT September 21, 2019
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A boy that absolutely enjoys golden Oreos
Donald sure do loves his golden Oreos
by Eli215x November 25, 2021
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a pathetic, sorry loser. A donald is one who blames others and can't accept his own mistakes. He is good a manipulating small minding people/sheep who are unable to reason. He fails and brings others down, all the while blaming smarter people for cheating or really any random insult. He convinces the sheep that he isn't an asshole but those who are able to observe without too much bias are never fooled by him.
donald: you lost this for us because you are evil

rational person: glad we're done with that bigot. we don't need the constant stupidity and negativity a donald brings.
by AlwaysLearning January 18, 2021
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That guy would Donald a possum if it was family tradition
by Dr.Crow January 2, 2023
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Donald is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a tough man and dumb man's idea of a smart man.
Chad thinks he’s rich and smart, but he’s really such a Donald.
by DPTDubbs October 27, 2020
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