Like a frown, but with more frustration.
I was so angry at my boyfriend! He's never seen a grinche like this one, right Yvonne?
by KOrgan0824 February 4, 2023
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A grinch is the most beautiful creature of Whoville. He was neglected in his childhood and held a grudge into his adulthood. The grinch is a hero, the best of all heroes.

Also known as the dude who stole Christmas and your girlfriend.
"Ha! I stole both Christmas and your girlfriend, you assholes. Snarls the Grinch."

"Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, you"
by themonsterunderyourbed35 November 24, 2021
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The dorks thought that demolishing the prominent buildings they loved and trying to change the heart of the neighborhood forever would be like what the grinch did with Christmas to the locals, except it would last all year every year, they thought that burning them, demolishing them, cutting their trees down would crush them, and yet their Camelot lived on.
by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022
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A person who hates or does not celebrate Christmas and often try’s to ruin it for others- this has no religious connotations to this term
He can be such a grinch this time of year!
by Cm-BBF December 16, 2020
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The guy who stole Christmas then became a fucking pussy, simp and pedophile over a child.
Person1: hey who’s that guy?

Person2: that’s the grinch! He’s a fucking pedophile and a pussy.

Person1: oh yeah I heard about him fuck him.
by BryZing December 24, 2020
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Eyeballing or casing someones property , either for criminal purposes or just coveting something or things that you might want or like.
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
by Soberscott0 January 7, 2023
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