Carps is a conyo slang for “Are you g (game)?

Carps -> Carpet -> Rug -> r u g = are you g?
ex. 1:
conyo 1: yoooo parehh... i have kwento for you mamaya... kwento later, carps?

ex. 2:
conyo 1: duuudeee... bgc tayo later parehh... carps?
conyo 2: g parehh!!
by chonkee June 3, 2021
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When you finally get something only for something to happen to it and/or turn out worse than expected.
Person: "Bro there was this game i spent hours waiting outside of Gamestop at 1 A.M i was supposed to go to school and when i bought the game and tried it, it was dogshit!,
Person 2: "Dang you just got carped."
by Bertushka620 September 1, 2023
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Latin for Seize the Z's. Basically go to sleep. The opposite of Carpe Diem.
" Bro, I haven't slept in two days."
" You idiot! What're you doing with your life?! Carpe z-em, Bro!"
"You need help, Bro."
by ryloken07 February 16, 2016
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Something that suprises you like a cold, wet, slap to the face.
I just got a promotion, then my boss carp slapped me with a layoff.
by WordBitch August 21, 2008
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Like YOLO but way cooler.
Person 1: Woah, dude, why did you just do a belly flop from that diving board? It's so high!
Person 2: Carpe diem!
Dumb Fuck: wHo'S cARpE DiEM. gET wITh tHE TiMEs XD sAy YOLO.
by PancakesRule September 2, 2019
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Something semi-literate drunk frat boys shout before participating in a gang rape.
Everyone remembers "Carpe Diem" from the film Dead Poets Society; and they shouldn't, because it honestly isn't that great of a movie.
by HeisenbergUltra May 3, 2015
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Not to live in Canada.
I have decided to move to Berlin and live my life to the fullest. Carpe Diem.
by cndboyyyy July 14, 2021
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