4 definitions by chonkee

carps = carpet
carpet = rug
rug = r u g
r u g = are you g(game)?
example #1:
conyo: yooo pareh, i have kwento for you mamaya. meet later, carps?

example #2:
conyo 1: tara bgc mamaya! carps?
conyo 2: g parehh!
by chonkee June 3, 2021
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Carps is a conyo slang for “Are you g (game)?

Carps -> Carpet -> Rug -> r u g = are you g?
ex. 1:
conyo 1: yoooo parehh... i have kwento for you mamaya... kwento later, carps?

ex. 2:
conyo 1: duuudeee... bgc tayo later parehh... carps?
conyo 2: g parehh!!
by chonkee June 3, 2021
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1) another word for masturbate or jerking off.

2) can also be asked for how long someone has been masturbating.
guy 1: hey, did you do streaks last night?
guy 2: hell yea! i was watching on the hub!


guy 1: how long have you been doing streaks?
guy 2: about 2 weeks already. my left nut hurts already
by chonkee October 1, 2020
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duck or ducking is when you attack someone without any reason at all
poopy boi: ima come to school and duck u when i see u
water girl: no... im gonna duck u first before u even duck me
by chonkee October 1, 2020
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