When you read a piece of literature so terrible that you suddenly have the extreme urge to write something better than it
Sam: hey did you go see r/menwritingwomen?
Violet: yes and it gave me severe writer's rage.
by E.V.D. January 2, 2021
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when you lock an (especially undesirable) hero, legend, or champion and soft-throw a game
mans swapped off kiriko to rage lock torbjorn, cause apparently we didn't peel, now we only have one support
by tsoe June 19, 2023
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An event of coding frantically without distraction in order to meet a deadline or please impatient clients in a short period of time.
Developer 1: "This project is due at the end of the day and it's already noon."

Developer 2: "Code Rage?"

Developer: "Code Rage!"
by mronetwo September 26, 2013
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When ever you're very mad at anything in particular. So you decide to rage paint. You blast your favorite music at full volume and just let your hands, brush, or anything else you paint with do the work for you.
The best painting I've ever done was a rage painting. I just rage painted, you want to see it?
by CoopIV February 12, 2021
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When a sams becomes so enraged normally from being called out, during this rage they typically injure themselves and beat women
Yeah did you see him sams rage last night???

Yeah man, what a total sams
by Sams Slayer June 17, 2021
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Expressing you feelings of deep uncontrollable anger in a way that all the other drivers around you will know how your are feeling also.

Aggressively maneuvering around cars while shouting obscenities at them for going the speed limit.

A desperate attentpt to get attention.
My sister went through her husbands iPad and found he had been telling other people her personal issues.... The more she obsesses over the messages the more anger build up and she decided to get into her car and go rage driving like she is on a murder mission as a one man wolf pack.
by KrayzieK August 24, 2017
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Eating out someone's butt so vigorously that it causes hem to bleed. And continuing to do so
Ah man I went total rage lettuce last night
by P hobbs February 9, 2017
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