A yuppie who does not consider themselves to be a yuppie because they hang around a crowd of upper-middle class hipsters and "punks". They got into Marx and feminazism at college and consider themselves to be revolutionaries because of this, despite the fact that they work for, live like, and are like capitalist yuppie scum. The "pink" part of this term refers to the fact that these people like to enjoy the privileges of being hip, selfish yuppie brats, even though they claim to be all for equality under communism/socialism (which, if you listen to anything they say, comes across as thinly veiled fascism).
That pink yuppie thinks Joe Blow is a rapist snuff-pornographer because she heard some bullshit about him from her friends and because he wants to make underground movies. They all love movies like "Bloodsucking Freaks" and "Desperate Living", but they're going to try and get him beat up by some lunkheaded motherfuckers who do what they're told like dogs. To her and her friends, it's only a small victory of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!
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A bright-yellow Hummer 2 SUV.

Derived from the schoolyard slang term short bus--the bus mentally retarded and disabled students ride in--and the fact that, like American school buses, it is bright-yellow and black. Unfortunately, in the case of the Yuppie Short Bus, the retarded person is usually in the driver's seat.
While crossing the street, I almost got creamed by an asshole driving a Yuppie Short Bus and yakking on a cell phone.
by Bitchy McBitchalot March 17, 2005
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Fallacious belief that something must be good because you shelled out a lot of money for it. From the joke about two nouveau-riche types who are standing next to each other at a party wearing identical ties. One says, "I got this tie for five hundred Euro". The other says, "That's nothing. I got mine for at least two thousand Euro." Not to be confused with the principal that if you buy cheap, you get cheap ... for a yuppie's necktie is never cheap.
Don't spend a hundred grand on a car. Only those who can't see through the yuppie's necktie fallacy do that.
by Fearman September 6, 2007
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Twenty dollar bills obtained from an ATM.Originated in Wired back in 1996. In 2000 they were refered to in Details as dotcom food coupons
Look at the dude getting his yuppie food coupons
by Peter Scott September 18, 2006
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Twenty dollar bills. Dispensed at ATMs and used for purchacing lunch/dinner during meal breaks.
Bob: Do you have change for a ten?
Steve: Nah, I just have yuppy food stamps.
by YogiB December 30, 2005
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That time in the early evening on weeknights when the sidewalks fill up with after-work runners listening to their iPods.
I was almost knocked down twice during yesterday's yuppie rush hour.
by The Wordy Bird March 6, 2010
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When a group of young Urban professionals "and the town council raises taxes systematicly .This is done by putting millions into the school system , then building McMansions everywhere. Property taxes double almost immediately . All the Old timers and lower median income people must sell out .
P1 The Mayor just built himself a McMansion and layed off half the cops
P2 sounds like a Yuppie take over , next they'll tare down the movie theatre and build a book store
P1 is there a law against puching someone with glasses
P2 ofcourse, it's a second degree offense !
by Lou Cypher July 19, 2006
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