Person 1: dang nabbit.
Person 2: carp.
Person 3: da fuk
by patricia morarez October 16, 2020
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A trending topic from twitter on December 19th 2020 that swallowed users news feeds
I woke up and there was nothing but carp
by WhiteDeinosuchus December 19, 2020
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conyo way of saying "are you game?" because carps is short for carpet, carpet is synonymous to rug, and rug when spelled is read as "r u g," which sounds and looks like "are you g?"
a: dude i have kwento (dude i have a story)
a: meet later, are you carps?
b: anong carps (what do you mean carps)
a: yeah, as in carpet
b: anong gagawin ko sa carpet (what am i gonna do with a carpet)
a: rug
a: r u g?
a: are you g dude?
b: putangina mo (fuck you/your mom's a whore)
by h4tdog March 11, 2021
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Carps meaning to be suspected or suspicious of.
1.) Hey foo you see that person staying their,they looking pretty carps

1.)Hurry up and hit the phone foo you looking carps
by Diaranson September 3, 2022
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Someone who will borrow shit and not pay you back. They will try to bum anything money, cigs, your car.
Bob: hey darryl bum me a smoke?
Darryl: holy fuck bud this is the 5th cig you’ve bumped from me
Bob: sorry I don’t have money to buy my own
Darryl: your a dirty ass carp
by nobodys_mom October 27, 2019
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Just some 8 year old on twitter who loves Popeyes and plays on a laptop
Carp smells like beans
by ZoomPastThem December 29, 2020
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carps = carpet
carpet = rug
rug = r u g
r u g = are you g(game)?
example #1:
conyo: yooo pareh, i have kwento for you mamaya. meet later, carps?

example #2:
conyo 1: tara bgc mamaya! carps?
conyo 2: g parehh!
by chonkee June 3, 2021
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