A bowel movement that leaves a mountain-like peak above the water and resembles an ice cream cone similar to those from a fast-food restaurant
Says to doctor: Lately every time I poop I'm leaving behind a throne cone rather than my usual pellet-style doo-doo.
by TTCooper May 24, 2023
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A throne tuber is someone who shits and stays in the Bathroom on the throne watching YouTube for way beyond allowable bathroom time.
“Dude get the fuck off the throne you been throne tubing for 63 minute I know YOU AINT SHITTING THAT LONG!!!”
by Treebonics June 20, 2019
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When screenwriters of a movie or TV show are hyped up and kill all the protagonists.
Person 1: Jimmy told me you guys watched Rogue One the other day, how was it?
Person 2: Dude it was pretty lit, however they did the Game of Thrones effect at the end.
by whaaatever December 14, 2016
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when you invite someone over to watch game of thrones, with the intention to fornicate.
I have an HBO subscription, throne and bone?
by Saucelyn May 6, 2019
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A bros way of referencing Home Depot and its signature twisted pine 2x4’s that are shit
“Grab some Sheetrock when you’re at throne depot Kyle got drunk last night so......”
by chHAad March 6, 2021
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"Game of Thrones" usually refers to the loss of social life and istant failure on every aspect of life due to addiction to this goddamn life ruining show.

Also includes a lot of incest.
Friend 1: You should check out that HBO show, Game of Thrones! It's incredible.
---2 episodes later---
Friend 2: It's so good, I cannot stop watching it!
Friend 1: (Yes, my plan was successful. Now I won't suffer alone. I'll see you in hell after you fail all your final exams!)
by Frz Man February 18, 2018
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The Setup of a Reddit/4Chan/Discord User who has a U-Desk, in excess of 5+ Displays, 2 or more Computer systems, a mountain of half finished to-go food boxes, a snack drawer and mini fridge close by, a stupid amount of empty soda and beer cans, and a shit bucket under the desk
John hasn't left his Fat Man's Throne for over 9 weeks
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